People & Offices
Our People

Stewart Bennett is Global Head of Alternatives at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. He joined the company in November 2021 following the acquisition of BMO’s EMEA asset management business. In this new role, Stewart has oversight responsibility for our real assets business that includes UK, European and US (Lionstone) real estate and European infrastructure, along with the private equity business, the US-managed Seligman hedge funds, Thames River Capital (real estate securities) and Pyrford (absolute return, international and global equities).
Previously, Stewart had been Global Head of Alternatives at BMO Global Asset Management since May 2019, where he was responsible for its private equity, real estate and real estate securities businesses. Stewart joined BMO GAM with 25 years’ experience in investment banking and private equity, including 10 years as a partner and Head of the Financial Institutions Group (FIG) at Ondra Partners, the London based independent investment banking firm. His previous experience includes Dresdner Kleinwort, where he was Managing Director and Head of FIG, Strategic Advisory, and the private equity firm Botts & Company. Stewart has worked in the financial services industry since 1994.

Iris Schöberl is Managing Director of CT Real Estate Partners GmbH & Co. KG, member of the Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Executive Committee, as well as member of the Investment Committees of Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany and Europe.
In January 2000, Iris founded the predecessor company REIT Asset Management GmbH Deutschland, which merged with the real estate unit of F&C in 2008 and was bought by Bank of Montreal (BMO) in 2014. BMO Real Estate Partners Germany has become a part of Columbia Threadneedle Investments UK International Limited in November 2021.
Iris has more than 35 years of experience in the real estate business. In addition to being managing director of Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany, she has been elected member of the board and thus vice chair of the German Property Federation ZIA in 2021. Furthermore, she is Deputy Chairwoman of the ZIA Trading Committee, member of the supervisory committee of ECE, ATMIRA group and the project „Stadtlabore für Deutschland“. She also is a founding member of the association “Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft” (Women in the real estate business).

Richard Kirby, MRICS, joined Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners (formerly BMO Real Estate Partners) in 1990. He has been a fund manager since 1995 and has experience of managing commercial property portfolios across all sectors for open-ended, closed-ended and life fund clients. Richard has been lead manager of the Balanced Commercial Property Trust since launch in 2005 where his responsibilities include advising on and implementing property portfolio strategy, sales, acquisitions, asset enhancement and management. He is a director and sits on both the Executive Committee and Investment Committee of Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners. He is a Chartered Surveyor and a member of the Investment Property Forum and the British Council of Offices.
Head Office (London)
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners
Cannon Place
78 Cannon Street
United Kingdom
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners’ head office is located in London.
Acknowledged as one of the leading property fund and asset managers in the UK, we blend institutional core management expertise with a value-added approach for a diverse client base.
Market frontrunners in all aspects of property investment, including asset management, property management, fund management, fund administration, project management & planning, finance, research and sustainability.
Over one, three and ten years to end December 2021, Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners IPD-managed funds, if aggregated into a hypothetical single “house” fund, would have outperformed the benchmark demonstrating the consistency of strong performance both across funds and over time.
1 Year | 3 Years | 5 Years | 10 Years | |
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners House¹ | 18.4% | 5.3% | 6.2% | 8.2% |
Benchmark (IPD Quarterly Universe) | 16.3% | 4.9% | 6.2% | 7.9% |
Percentile Rank | 47th | 62nd | 66th |
53rd |
Source: IPD ¹ Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners IPD monitored products as at 31.12.2021
Our aim is to deliver above-average returns to all of our investors – private clients, publicly listed investment companies, corporate and local authority pension schemes, insurance funds, joint venture partners and specialist investment vehicles. Our focus is on enhancing the value of each and every property within our portfolios – using experience based on an outstanding long-term track record combined with a commitment to innovation, and complemented by highly skilled “hands on” implementation.
The intellectual capital and property asset management expertise of our investment professionals is one of the most important factors in our success. Local knowledge, expertise and experience allow us to deliver above-average returns and investment solutions for our clients.
The combination of our professional teams and international offices gives us both a breadth of vision and an in-depth view of local markets together with excellent access to property investment stock. We have a highly co-ordinated approach to all aspects of investment strategy, financing, asset and property management, development, planning, research and fund administration.
CT Real Estate Partners GmbH & Co. KG
CT Real Estate Partners GmbH & Co. KG
Oberanger 34-36
+49 89 61 46 51 0
We are asked this question time and again. We believe that the components of our success story are more than just special talent, comprehensive knowledge, strong partnerships, extensive experience and unconditional customer orientation. There’s one other important factor that has contributed to our achievements – we call it passion! A great passion for real estate – that’s what makes the difference.”
(Iris Schöberl – Managing Director Germany & Head of Institutional Clients)
When different abilities are combined, great things happen.
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany, based in Munich, is one of the leading national real estate asset management companies with focus on retail, residential and office properties.
We currently manage a portfolio with more than 160 properties worth approximately € 3.8 billion, primarily in medium and large cities throughout Germany (as at 31/12/2021).
Today, Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany stands for combined expertise, innovative pioneering spirit and profound market expertise. Our customers trust in our strength and performance. A customer who made an investment in our products once, is likely to invest again. Together, we have outstanding opportunities to shape the future of European and global real estate management.
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany is one of the leading domestic real estate asset managers with a focus on retail, residential and office properties. Our services include investment services, fund and asset management, project management, research and financing.
Our success is based on our ability to buy properties in sustainable locations and to successfully manage those assets until they can be sold at the right time.
Not only do we aim to meet the expected yield, but we strive to exceed it. We have always achieved this target in the past. Our proven track record includes more than 740 properties which have been purchased and sold with a transaction volume of over € 6.1 billion within the last 18 years.
We focus on five core policies to ensure a long-term stable performance:
- Gain access to high-quality products
- Identify Opportunities (detailed property analysis)
- Manage assets proactively
- Optimise timing (evaluation of the best time for acquisition and sale)
- Create innovations (customized solutions)
Our employees are more than just talented professionals. We see them as partners, people with commitment and passion.
We aim to deliver the highest quality of service to our clients. Thanks to our network in all sectors, ranging from financing, asset and property management to fund management, we are able to deliver sustainable returns for our clients. This is what we strive for every day.
Management Team:

Iris Schöberl
Iris Schöberl is Managing Director of CT Real Estate Partners GmbH & Co. KG, member of the Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Executive Committee, as well as member of the Investment Committees of Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany and Europe.
In January 2000, Iris founded the predecessor company REIT Asset Management GmbH Deutschland, which merged with the real estate unit of F&C in 2008 and was bought by Bank of Montreal (BMO) in 2014. BMO Real Estate Partners Germany has become a part of Columbia Threadneedle Investments UK International Limited in November 2021.
Iris has more than 35 years of experience in the real estate business. In addition to being managing director of CT REP Germany, she has been elected member of the board and thus vice chair of the German Property Federation ZIA in 2021. Furthermore, she is Deputy Chairwoman of the ZIA Trading Committee, member of the supervisory committee of ECE, ATMIRA group and the project „Stadtlabore für Deutschland“. She also is a founding member of the association “Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft” (Women in the real estate business).

Head of Investment
Thomas Hübner is head of the investment team, member of the board of directors at Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany, as well as member of the investment- and product-committee. He is responsible for all transactions at CT REP Germany, where he has conducted and overseen deals with a combined transaction volume of approx. € 8bn until today.
Thomas holds a degree in real estate economy from EBS Universität and has been working in commercial real estate since 1990. He has had several positions in senior management among others at Philipp Holzmann Bauprojekt, DG Immobilien Management und Bülow. During his 30-year career, he has concluded transactions with a combined volume of approx. € 10bn.

Head of Fund Management & Debt Finance
Vincent Frommel is head of the fund management- and debt finance-team, member of the board of directors at Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany, as well as member of the investment- and product-committee.
He holds a degree in architecture and has more than 30 years of experience in the real estate business – ranging from project development (incl. Hochtief Projektentwicklung, Bilfinger + Berger Projektentwicklung as well as Freiberger Immobilien Management) to asset management. He is responsible for Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners’ German real estate assets with a combined value of approx. € 4bn.

Robert Gauggel is director of the institutional clients’ team, member of the board of directors at Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany, as well as member of the investment- and product-committee
He has more than 20 years of experience in both, asset and fund management and serves as liaison to institutional clients and capital management companies. He is responsible for the structuring of funds and the onboarding of (until now) 21 different funds with combined equity of approx. € 3.7bn.
Robert is a member of the Southern German regional board of directors of the German Property Federation (ZIA).

Nicole Kronberger manages the human resources department and is responsible for office management and compliance. She is member of the board of directors at Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany, as well as member of the product-committee.
Nicole has more than 16 years of experience in human resources and is the first contact for the cares and concerns of the employees. She also focuses on the steady development of business structure and processes.
Diese Frage wird uns immer wieder gestellt. Wir denken, dass hinter dieser Erfolgsgeschichte mehr als nur besonderes Talent, enormes Wissen, starke Partner, eine reichhaltige Erfahrung und bedingungslose Kundenorientierung stecken. Wir glauben, ohne die eine wesentliche Eigenschaft hätten wir von Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany nicht annähernd so viel bewegen können. Nennen wir es Herzblut! Die große Leidenschaft für das Thema Immobilien. Das macht den Unterschied.”
Wenn Kompetenzen sich ergänzen, entsteht Großes.
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany zählt zu den führenden nationalen Gesellschaften zur Verwaltung von Immobilienvermögen mit Fokus auf Einzelhandels-, Wohn- und Büroimmobilien. Derzeit verwalten wir ein Portfolio von mehr als 160 Immobilien im Wert von über 3,8 Mrd. € vornehmlich in Mittel- und Großstädten in ganz Deutschland. (Stand 31.06.2022)
Heute steht Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany für gebündelte Kompetenzen, innovativen Pioniergeist und fundierte Marktexpertise. Unsere Kunden haben großes Vertrauen in unsere Stärke und Leistungsfähigkeit. Dies spiegelt sich in wiederholten Investments wider. Gemeinsam haben wir herausragende Möglichkeiten, die Zukunft des europäischen und weltweiten Immobilienmanagements aktiv und erfolgreich zu gestalten.
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany zählt zu den führenden nationalen Gesellschaften zur Verwaltung von Immobilienvermögen mit Fokus auf Einzelhandels-, Wohn- und Büroimmobilien. Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst Investment, Fund- und Asset Management, Projektmanagement und Planung, Research und Finanzierung.
Basis unseres Erfolges ist unser Gespür dafür, die geeignete Immobilie an nachhaltigen oder aufstrebenden Standorten zur richtigen Zeit und zu einem attraktiven Preis zu kaufen bzw. später wieder zu verkaufen. Unseren Anspruch, die angegebenen Renditeerwartungen nicht nur zu erfüllen, sondern noch zu übertreffen, haben wir in der Vergangenheit stets erfüllt.
Aus den vielen Immobilien am Markt die eine zu finden, die zu 100 Prozent unseren Investoren passt, ist der Schlüssel unseres Erfolges. Lokale Marktkenntnis, ein tiefes Verständnis für Immobilien und ein gutes Netzwerk an Partnern gehören dabei genauso zum Handwerkszeug von Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany wie Leidenschaft, Geduld und ein unbedingter Qualitätsanspruch in der Umsetzung. Nur so können wir in die richtige Immobilie, zum richtigen Preis, zur richtigen Zeit für unsere Investoren investieren und nachhaltigen Wert generieren.”
Immobilienmärkte sind komplex. Wir erkennen Marktineffizienzen und Investitionsmöglichkeiten in allen Immobilienbereichen – an allen Standorten.
- Zugang zu qualitativ hochwertigen Produkten Unser Vorsprung: außergewöhnliche Kontakte zum Markt und Finanzwesen. Kombiniert mit detaillierten Kenntnissen der individuellen Segmente ermöglichen sie uns den idealen Zugang zu den besten öffentlich und vertraulich platzierten Investitionsmöglichkeiten.
- Chancen identifizieren Für uns gilt: das richtige Objekt, in der richtigen Lage, zur richtigen Zeit, zum richtigen Preis. Eine sorgfältige Objektanalyse filtert die entscheidenden Wertträger der einzelnen Immobilien: Gebäudequalität/-struktur, nachhaltige Vermietbarkeit, Mieterbonität, Vermietungsstand, Mietvertragslaufzeiten und Wertschöpfungspotenzial.
- Proaktives Asset Management Unser täglicher Anspruch: maximale Wertschöpfung aus jedem einzelnen Objekt. Mittels engem Kontakt zu Mietern, fachlicher und lokaler Expertise erarbeiten wir Nutzungsoptimierungen, Mieterrestrukturierungen und bestmögliche Nachvermietungen.
- Timing Die Herausforderung: Bestimmung des optimalen An- und Verkaufszeitpunktes. Durch kontinuierliche Abstimmung der Businesspläne mit aktuellen Marktgegebenheiten entwerfen wir individuelle Halte- und Verkaufsstrategien.
- Innovationen Unser Maßstab: individuelle und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen. Wir nutzen innovative Kreditstrukturen und Gesellschaftsmodelle. Unser Anspruch: die hohen Erwartungen und Anforderungen unserer Investoren nicht nur zu erfüllen, sondern diese noch zu übertreffen.
Management Team:

Iris Schöberl
Im Januar 2000 gründete Iris Schöberl die Vor-Gesellschaft REIT Asset Management GmbH Deutschland, welche im Jahr 2008 mit dem Immobilienbereich von F&C verschmolzen und 2014 von der Bank of Montreal (BMO) erworben wurde. Seit November 2021 ist BMO Real Estate Partners Germany Teil der Columbia Threadneedle Investments UK International Limited.
Iris Schöberl verfügt über mehr als 35 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Immobilienwirtschaft. Neben ihrer Tätigkeit bei BMO REP Germany wurde sie 2021 in den Vorstand des ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss gewählt und bekleidet damit das Amt der Vize-Präsidentin. Darüber hinaus ist sie stellvertretende Vorsitzende des ZIA-Ausschusses „Handel“, Beiratsmitglied der ECE, der ATMIRA-Gruppe und des Projekts „Stadtlabore für Deutschland“ sowie Mitbegründerin des Vereins „Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft“.

Head of Investment
Thomas Hübner ist Leiter des Investment-Teams, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung sowie des Investment- und des Produktkomitees der Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany. Damit ist er verantwortlich für sämtliche Transaktionen der CT REP Germany, bisher mit einem Transaktionsvolumen von über 8 Mrd. €.
Der Immobilienökonom (ebs) ist seit 1990 im gewerblichen Immobilienbereich tätig mit Führungspositionen u. a. bei Philipp Holzmann Bauprojekt, DG Immobilien Management und Bülow. In seiner über 30-jährigen Laufbahn begleitete er Transaktionen mit einem Volumen in Höhe von rund 10 Mrd. €.

Head of Fund Management & Debt Finance
Vincent Frommel ist Leiter des Fund-Management- und des Debt-Finance-Teams, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung sowie des Investment- und Produktkomitees der Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany.
Der ausgebildete Architekt verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Immobilienbranche – sowohl in der Projektentwicklung (u. a. bei der Hochtief Projektentwicklung, Bilfinger + Berger Projektentwicklung sowie Freiberger Immobilien Management) als auch im Bereich Asset Management. Bei Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany zeichnet er für das deutsche Immobilienvermögen mit rund 4 Mrd. € Assets under Management verantwortlich.

Robert Gauggel ist Director Institutional Clients, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung sowie des Investment- und Produktkomitees der Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany.
Mit über 20 Jahren Berufserfahrung im Asset- und Fondsmanagement von Immobilien ist er Ansprechpartner für institutionelle Kunden und Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften. Er ist verantwortlich für die Fondsstrukturierung und das Onboarding von bisher 21 verschiedenen Fonds mit einem Eigenkapitalvolumen von über 3,7 Mrd. €.
Gauggel ist zudem Mitglied des Regionalvorstands ZIA Süd.

Nicole Kronberger verantwortet die Bereiche HR, Organisation und Compliance. Sie ist Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung sowie des Produktkomitees der Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners Germany.
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners LLP
8 place de l’Opéra
75009 Paris
Columbia Threadneedle Real Estate Partners opened its French branch in May 2015 with the creation of a new office in Paris.
Our Paris office currently has over €1.5bn AUM invested in capital cities across France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and the Czech Republic (as at 30/06/2022).
Our Paris office is composed of nine professionals who manage an ultra-prime portfolio with a value of over €1.5 billion across the principal European cities
Management Team:

Adrien Brion